Compact Suction Cleaner - Cartridge Filter

Compact Suction Cleaner - Cartridge Filter

Assembled on a st. steel wheel caddy, complete with cartridge filter, monophase self-priming pump, Poolvac manual cleaner, hose, telescopic pole and checkvalve. Fuse and 18 m cable included. Designed for pools which do not have suction inlet. Can be used as a filtration unit as well.

descripción código de almacenamiento precio
11 m3/h - 3/4 HP Pump 093101 Regístrese para ver el precio 37.000
16 m3/h - 1/2 HP Pump 093102 Regístrese para ver el precio 40.000

User and Installation Guide

Technical Data Sheet / Brochure

Certificates of Quality