Gemas Turbidron SL Side Mounted Pool Sand Filters

Gemas Turbidron SL Side Mounted Pool Sand Filters

Filter shell made of smooth ABS plastic which decreases algea and bacteria cling. Complete with easy opening threaded, large and transparent lid (diameter is 2cm larger than bolted lid), Complete with pressure gauge and side mounted multiport valve. OPTIONAL LIGHTING TOUCHPAD BUTTON WITH BATTERY to observe inside the filter. Maximum Working Pressure 2,5 kg/cm2. Test Pressure 4 kg/cm2. Filtration Rate 50 m3/h/m2.

descripción código de almacenamiento precio
Ø500 mm - 10 m³/h 1,5" m.valve 021712S Regístrese para ver el precio 17 0.215 Analizar
Ø630 mm - 16 m³/h 1,5" m.valve 021713S Regístrese para ver el precio 20 0.325 Analizar
Ø710 mm - 20 m³/h 2" m.valve 021714S Regístrese para ver el precio 32 0.44 Analizar
Ø830 mm - 27 m³/h 2" m.valve 021715S Regístrese para ver el precio 38 0.66 Analizar
Ø900 mm - 32 m³/h 2" m.valve 021716S Regístrese para ver el precio 47 0.79 Analizar
Ø1000 mm - 39 m³/h 2,5" without m.valve. 021717S Regístrese para ver el precio 58 0.93
Ø1000 mm - 39 m³/h 2,5" m.valve 021717SM Regístrese para ver el precio 58 0.93

User and Installation Guide

Technical Data Sheet / Brochure

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